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The Boyd Tenney Library presents The Literary Southwest - Readings and conversations with the finest writers in the west and beyond.

Readings and conversations with the finest writers from the West and beyond: distinctive voices, diverse backgrounds, and multiple genres. All events are free and presented in person and via livestream.

Brought to you by the Boyd Tenny Library.

History of Literary Southwest events

List of past events

About the Founder

Jim Natal

An Evening with Jenn Northington
Book Talk, Book Signing, Fit For The Gods: Visual Art Exhibition

Fri, Oct 4 2024 6pm - 8:30pm
in the Prescott Art Gallery

Jenn Northington

The Literary Southwest at Yavapai College's Boyd Tenney Library (Prescott Campus) will host a book talk and signing with Jenn Northington, co-editor of Fit for the Gods. Hosted in the art gallery, the event will showcase a visual art exhibition of artwork inspired by the reimagined Greek mythology of the book.

This FREE event is offered in-person and live-streamed.

In-Person (6pm - 8:30pm) Registration is required.
Registered attendees should arrive between 6:00 pm and 6:50 pm for check-in. There will be a reception with appetizers and live music. Doors will close at 6:55 pm, and the event will start promptly at 7 pm. Attendees will have the opportunity to get their book signed between 8 pm - 8:30 pm. Books will also be available for sale. Space is limited and seating is first come, first served.


Live-Stream (7 pm - 8:00 pm)
Registration is not required. Register only if you want to receive a reminder email with the live stream link the day before the event.

About the Author
Jenn Northington is a former bookseller and current reviewer, podcaster, and editor. She's been published various places including Selfish Magazine and Book Riot, and is the co-editor of two retellings anthologies, Sword Stone Table: Old Legends, New Voices (with Swapna Krishna) and Fit for the Gods: Greek Mythology Reimagined (with S. Zainab Williams).


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Yavapai College Library presents The Literary Southwest is made possible by Yavapai College and the Yavapai College Foundation.

Program Director Jim Natal

New Literary Southwest Team

Ustadza White

Literary Southwest Program Director

James Rider

Technical Director