Page 4 - 176-15 Board BrochurePANELS.indd
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The District Governing Board has developed and approved the following Ends Statements for this current fiscal year. Throughout the year, the District Governing Board members meet with members of the local communities, both individually or in organized meetings (public forums). These venues help the Board in understanding the various views from community members of Yavapai County about Yavapai College. This input is valuable to the Board in making decisions to lead the College in the best interest of the taxpayers.
1. Ends
Yavapai College exists so communities within Yavapai County are equipped with the vision and skills to create a sustainable economic environment.The College will fulfill this role at a justifiable cost.The following Ends are listed in priority order.
1.1 Education Ends
Students achieve their educational goals.
1.1.1 Job Seekers Ends
Job seekers have the qualifications, skills, and abilities to succeed.
1.1.2 Student Ends
Students seeking transfer will succeed at their next educational institution.
1.1.3 Lifelong Learning Adult Ends
Lifelong learning adults have affordable access to a variety of high-quality learning opportunities
1.2 Economic Ends
Communities inYavapai County are supported in their efforts to lead economic development, with an emphasis on generating and sustaining economic base jobs.
1.3 Community Ends
Yavapai County residents have access to social and cultural opportunities.

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