Celebrating ALL of our Donors!
Donors from July 1, 2023 - June 30, 2024
- A.W. & Sandra Scott
- Abraham Gonzalez
- ABSi Spanish
- Adam & Mandie Leming
- Adam Block
- Adam Richards
- Adelina Marshall
- Aderemi Adedokun
- Adriana Carrillo
- Agnieszka Piwnik
- Aimee Novak
- Alan Watson
- Albert Chee
- Alejandro Cruz
- Alexander Isola
- Alexandra Landon
- Alexandra Ryan
- Alexis Leighton
- Alfred Perryman
- Alice Maish Long
- Alice Young
- Alicia Casale
- Alicia Ozbirn
- Alisha Stewart
- Alishia Jeremiah
- Alison Miller Arambula
- Alisyn Owen
- All American Track
- All American Track Inc.
- Allan L. Jones & Tracy Vankuilenburg
- Allen Liestman
- Alley Arnold
- Allison Isaacman
- Allred Enterprises
- Alondra Orozco
- Alpha Delta Kappa
- Alton Payne
- Alyssa Dobson
- Alzado Lansing
- Amanda Cibrian
- Amanda Estrada
- Amanda Hoff-Felix
- Amber Snodgrass
- America Conference Services, Inc.
- American Endowment Foundation
- Amy Allred
- Amy Barriga
- Amy Fruchter
- Amy Kelsey
- Amy Wright
- Anais Cesena-Boettcher
- Andre C. Luciano
- Andre Wadsworth
- Andrea Asbury
- Andrea Blaylock
- Andrea J. Schaben
- Andrea Zepeda
- Andres Arambula
- Andrew Fox
- Andrew Lowman
- Andrew Newton
- Andy Herschkowitz
- Angela Mosher
- Angelica Brady
- Angelo Quinonez
- Anita Capps
- Anita Fleming
- Ann Babbitt
- Ann Everett
- Ann Grimes
- Annalyce Romero
- Anne Lucero
- Anneliese Schultz
- Annette Baity
- Antelope Garden Club
- Anthony & Charlotte Zampini
- Anthony J. Anastanio
- Anthony Rispoli
- Anthony Robson
- Antonia Hansen
- Apex Athletix LLC
- April Garza
- April Siebersma
- Ardella Fernow
- Arden Albertini
- Arizona Community Foundation
- Arizona Seamless Gutters
- Arlo Lansing
- Armida Cisneros
- Art Escape
- Arthur Smith
- Ashley Bragg
- Ashley Hindson
- Ashley Hust
- Ashley Miller
- Ashley Taulbee
- Audrey Hoey
- Austin Mullins
- AZ 1 Independent Order of Oddfellows
- Barbara & Joel McCurry
- Barbara Brown
- Barbara Butvidas
- Barbara Gant
- Barbara Wich
- Beacon Web Services, LLC
- Beatriz Castillo
- Beck Legacy Group
- Beckie Sullivan
- Becky Gunn
- Becky Jones-Pierce
- Belinda Eller
- Ben & Melissa Townsend
- Ben Chavez
- Benny & Sarah Wells
- Bert Parrish
- Beyond Limits 41, LLC
- Bianca Tawil
- Bill & Helen Campbell
- Bill & Laura Fields
- Bill & Nancy Sonsin
- Bill Humphrey
- Bill Lundy
- Billie Norris
- Bob Bloch
- Bobbi Evans
- Bobby L Raber DMD Pediatric Dentistry
- Bonnie Manko
- Bonnie McMinn & Greg Stein
- Bonnie McMinn & Greg Stein
- Born Again Christian Ministry
- Brandee Thompson
- Brandi Nelson
- Brandon Hill-Rogers
- Brandon Pieczarka
- Bre Chamoff
- Brenda Bejarano
- Brenda Dickinson
- Brenda Muller
- Brendan Quinn
- Brenden Phillips
- Brent & Ingrid Mullane
- Brett Turley
- Brett Underwood
- Brian & Vikki Sylva
- Brian Benson
- Brian Fitisemanu
- Brian Hoefle
- Brian Keefe
- Brian Lincoln
- Brian Livengood
- Brian Peterson
- Brian Rodewald
- Brian Smith
- Brian Vree
- Brianda Reynoso
- Brianna Jones
- Brittney Hollar
- Brody Fields
- Brooke Evans
- Bruce Coleman
- Bryan Alvarado
- Bryan King
- Bryan Robertson
- Byron & Sally Prinzmetal
- C & C Lighting, LLC
- C.J. Smith
- Calvin Carr
- Calvin Pilcher
- Cambium Wealth and Legacy Strategies
- Cameo Rooney
- Cameron Miller
- Cammy Wagner
- Candace Shreeve
- Candice Heck
- Cari Mendoza
- Carl A. Lubisich
- Carl Dockendorf
- Carl Green
- Carl Orband
- Carla Cabrera
- Carla Lashmett
- Carmen Newell
- Carol & Bill Miller
- Carol Bottjer
- Carol Chamberlain
- Carol Gable
- Carol Godsave
- Carol Lester
- Carol Loftus
- Carol McCoy
- Carol McLeod
- Carol Tate
- Carolina Noriega
- Caroline Castro
- Caroline Esmond
- Carolyn Heath
- Carrie Graves
- Carrie Kelly
- Carrie McNeil
- Catherine Kefer
- Cathleen Chuck
- Cathleen Cunningham
- Cathy Cowen
- Celia Vander Molen
- Celine De Laporterie
- Centene Management Company LLC
- Chad Moeller Baseball
- Chance Adams
- Chandler Hamilton
- Chanelle Magonigal
- Charles & Christina Hastings
- Charles & Linda Thomas
- Charles Blum
- Charles Dando
- Charles Jones
- Charles Marr
- Charles Merrill
- Charlese Pitrat
- Charli Doubek
- Charlise Bunker
- Charmane Osborn
- Chase Blease
- Chelsie Klaine
- Cheri Au
- Cheryl Miller
- Chevron Companies
- Chihye Pak
- Chip Weber & Angela Walker-Weber
- Chris & Leslie Hoy
- Chris Ebben
- Chris Rasco
- Chris Schiavone
- Chris Stull
- Christian Woods
- Christine Davidson
- Christine Greer
- Christine Oakley
- Christopher Barquin
- Christopher Gianandrea
- Christopher Groom
- Christopher Sherron
- Chrystal Colon
- Cindy Daniels
- Cindy Johnson
- Cindy Matthews
- Cindy Pitrat
- Cinnamon Wilkins
- City Of Cottonwood
- City of Prescott
- Clarissa Wauneka-Cody
- Claudia & Jim Converse
- Claudia Mayer
- Claudia Orozco
- Claxton Lovin
- Clint & Penny Ewell
- Clint & Penny Ewell
- CMA Yellowshirt
- Cody Blazer
- Cody Okuda
- Cole Schumann
- Cole Spitzer
- Collette Naylor
- Colton Devora
- Connie Conner
- Connor Allen
- Conrad Kampp
- Constance Vandre
- Constance Varga
- Corey Smith
- Cory McMahon
- Cory Shaw
- Courtney Strader
- Craig & Debra Brown
- Craig Lammers
- Craig Rucker
- Cristina Dumo
- Cristina Poeppel
- Cristina Taylor
- CrossOver SportsWear
- Crystal Russell
- Culvers of Prescott
- Culvers of Prescott Valley
- Curtis Bailey
- Cynthia Watson
- D. L.
- Dale Lee
- Dallas Riggs
- Daly Designs
- Damian McBride
- Damon & Nicole Rossi
- Dan Cole
- Dana & Keith Armbruster
- Dana Wingate
- Danelle Hernandez
- Danica McDonald
- Daniel Dawson
- Daniel Jones
- Daniel Matthews
- Daniel Ryan
- Daniel Townsend
- Danielle Franz
- Danielle Hughart
- Danielle Rushford
- Danny Avelar
- Danny Patterson
- Danusia Szumowski
- Daren Daniels
- Darin Diep
- Darrel Pitrat
- Darren & Kym Reid
- Dava Hoffman
- Dave Eske
- David & Dora Isola
- David & Gail Lund
- David & Maria-Elena Dunn
- David & Marilyn Spellman
- David & Sheila Laurence
- David Beery
- David Capka
- David Chubon
- David Daniels
- David Dull
- David Griess
- David Marsh
- David Morales
- David Myers
- David Paez
- David Philpot
- David Pickhardt
- David Robinson
- David Skersick
- David Young
- Dawn Ritzenthaler
- Dean & Tammy Pefanis
- Dean & Wanda Waldenberger
- Dean A. Holbrook
- Dean Davenport
- Deanna Melendez
- Deanna Mooney
- Debbie Krejci
- Debbie Van Hyfte
- Debora Robbins
- Deborah Payne
- Deborah Thoms
- Debra Catekista
- Debra Fitzgerald
- Debra Munden
- Debra Undhjem
- DeeAnn Campbell
- Deidre Soto
- Dena Davis
- Denise Byard
- Denise Shoemaker
- Dennis & Cheryl Cassady Sr.
- Dennis & Cheryl Cassady Sr.
- Dennis McNeil
- Dennis Oughton
- Dennis Williams
- Denton Lankford
- Derek & Jamie Oltersdorf
- Derek Daniels
- Derek Feil
- Derek Hagan Real Estate
- Derek Rude
- Derreck Orel
- Desert Financial Credit Union
- Desiree Ching
- Desiree D. Steed
- Diamond McDermott
- Diana Apperson
- Diana Goldberg
- Diana Padilla
- Diane & Sean Ryan
- Diane Brandon
- Diane Goldenbogen
- Diane Nadeau
- Diane Olsen
- Diane Rojas
- Diego Aceves
- Dignity Health - Yavapai Regional Medical Center
- Dolores Domy
- Dominique Arambula
- Don & Barbara Michelman
- Don Baier
- Don Blackley
- Donna Davis
- Donna Endresen
- Donna Forsythe
- Donna Stevens
- Donna Wachter
- Donte Edmundson
- Dorcas Guest
- Dorothy Black
- Dorothy Mitchell
- Doug & Candis Kolb
- Doug Berry
- Doug Boone
- Douglas & Wendy Ruckel
- Douglas Harwood
- Douglas Mackay
- Douglas Pierce
- Douglas Stephenson
- Dr Vape It
- Dr. & Mrs. Taylor Hicks Jr.
- Duke Barnes
- Dustin Ferrell
- Dwight Brock
- Dyanna Hoey
- E. Anne Hess
- Eagle Lady Design Studio
- Ed Lacasse
- Ed Wisneski
- Edith Taylor-Richards
- Edna Owens
- Edward Herrera
- Edwin Bell
- Eileen Berry
- Eileen Johnston & Linda Riegel
- Eileen Tellez
- Eligio Ojeda
- Elisa Wells
- Elizabeth A. Burkhardt
- Elizabeth Bourne & Ron Polanski
- Elizabeth Cooper
- Elizabeth Kartchner
- Elizabeth Leydon
- Elizabeth Loos
- Elizabeth Mosier
- Elizabeth Nichols
- Elizabeth Peters
- Elizabeth Williams
- Elizabeth Yancey
- Ella Roberts
- Ellen Momeyer
- Elliott Glick
- Elsea Plumbing
- Elsie Freeman
- Emil & Kelly Boryca
- Emma Bennett
- Emma Clemens
- Enrique Ramirez
- Eric Boyles
- Eric Kriwer
- Eric Nelson
- Eric Villa
- Erica Alvarado
- Erica Fimbrez
- Erik Smith
- Erin Aefedt
- Erin Reach
- Erin Westerman
- Eugenia Hart
- Eva Ikeda
- Eva J. Janckila
- Evan Hlavacek & Jennifer Jacobson
- Evie Jilek
- Eye Boutique of Sedona
- Faaninimo Leauanae
- Fain Signature Group
- Fann Contracting Inc
- Fidelity Investments Charitable Gift Fund
- Findlay Hyundai Prescott
- Findlay Toyota Prescott
- First Light Fashion
- Foothills Bank
- Fore20 Golf
- Forest Fee Management Association
- Four-Four Foundation
- Foxworth-Galbraith Lumber Co.
- Francisco Amparo
- Frank Minni
- Frank Nelson
- Frank Palulis
- Franklin Roth
- Fred Leonard
- Fred S. Markham
- Frederick Hammond
- Frederick Thomas
- Fredilee Daniels
- Freedom Performance
- Freeport-McMoRan Copper & Gold
- Gabrielle Foote
- Gail LaRoche
- Gametime Recruiting & Consulting
- Garth Worthley
- Gary Allred
- Gary Hoy
- Gayla Putnam
- Gayle Jarpe
- GeirgeAC
- Gene & Darl Rector
- Gene Mitchell
- Gene Warter
- Genna Thomsen
- Geoff & Janet Barry
- Geoffrey & Patricia Parker
- George & Judith Thyden
- George & Kaye Shriver
- George A. Jaeger
- George Beitzel
- George Harley
- George Lee
- George Villa
- Gerald F. & Frances McNally
- Geraldine Rich
- Gerrard Carmichael
- Gertrude White
- Gina Hawkins
- Gino Contreras
- Gisela Ibarra
- Glenn Crossno
- Glennise Wendorf
- Gloria Joslin
- GoalBusters Consulting
- Gordon Douglas
- Grace Mata
- Granite Alley Garage
- Granite Peak Unitarian Universalist Congregation
- Greg & Sandy McClintock
- Gregory Gonzalez
- Guy & Judy Dahlbeck
- Guy Marsh
- Guy W. Trujillo
- Gwen Holloway
- Hal & Sharon Mattern
- Haley Construction Co.
- Haley Green
- Hannah Gustafson
- Harland & Alice Harris
- Harold James Family Trust
- Harry Ramsey
- Harvey Carnehl
- Hawaii Baseball
- Hazelnut Enterprises
- Healthy Outcomes Az
- Heather Knowles
- Heather Leavitt
- Heather Mansfield
- Heather Miller
- Heather Mitchell
- Heidi Owen
- Helean Watson
- Helena Fuentes
- Henry & Linda Dahlberg
- Henry Block
- Herald & Norela Harrington
- Hicks Dental Group
- Hilda Cajina
- Hollan Clements
- Holly Eske
- Holly Wilkinson
- Howard Bedingfield & Barbara Yarrow
- Howard Perry
- Hunter Cole
- IDB Interior design
- Irene Vandermeer
- Irina Del Genio
- Isaiah Bonyo
- J Lynn Pratt
- J. Louise McPheeters
- Jacinda Tobin
- Jacki Hunlow
- Jackie Rerucha
- Jacob Haulman
- Jacob Shelton
- Jacqueline Ojeda
- Jacqueline Thomas
- Jakub Gajdosik
- James & Francine Mick
- James & Judith Veney
- James & Lauren Berzon
- James & Susan Opdahl
- James Brown
- James Lundquist
- James McKaskle
- James Paley
- James Rounds
- James Snyder
- James Sparks
- James Tobin
- Jamie & Derek Oltersdorf
- Jamie Monson
- Jan P. Jones
- Jane Dalen
- Jane French
- Janel Romero
- Janet Cheung
- Janet F. Jones
- Janet Jones
- Janet Nix
- Janet Ritter-Schlarbaum
- Janet Shota
- Janice Lykes
- Jared Priestley
- Jason & Pepper Heid
- Jason Boldt
- Jason D. Ebersole
- Jason G. Heartisan
- Jason Nelson
- Jason Nichols
- Jayana Clerk
- Jayd Whitley
- Jayden O'Banion
- Jean Risdon
- Jeanne Trupiano & Mark Di Lucido
- Jeff & Claudia Mallace
- Jeff Gerlinger
- Jeff Kelly
- Jeff Marsh
- Jefferson David
- Jeffery Robertson
- Jeffery Stringham
- Jeffrey Barton
- Jeffrey Harvey
- Jeffrey Osburn
- Jeffrey Plante
- Jeffry Skiba
- Jenn Hoj
- Jenna Ballard
- Jenna DiPrima
- Jennifer Barber
- Jennifer Hickman
- Jennifer McCormack
- Jennifer McGovern
- Jenyl Johnson
- Jerald Monahan
- Jeremiah Boone
- Jeremiah King
- Jeremy Andre
- Jeremy Poehnert
- Jerrold & Mary Backstrom
- Jerry & Beverly Thurber
- Jerry Darnaby
- Jerry Thurber
- Jerry Zaryczny
- Jess & Mary Talosi
- Jesse Rivas
- Jessica Bennett
- Jessica DeFreitas
- Jessica Hines
- Jessica Leauanae
- Jessie Ciancio
- Jesus Mendoza
- Jesus Moreno
- Jewel Marcouillier
- Jill Ford
- Jill Merrifield
- Jill Rayburn
- Jill Stone
- Jim & Ellen Close
- Jim & Jeanne Welch
- Jim & Linda Lee
- Jim & Linda Lee
- Jim & Lisa Rhine
- Jim & Vera Stewart
- Jim Pitrat
- Jimmy Young
- JJ's Saloon
- Jo Ann Johnson
- Jo Danehy
- Joan Meyers
- Joann Bejarano
- JoAnn Garner
- JoAnne Jones
- JoAnne Levine
- Jocelyn Sniegowski
- Jodi Showler
- Joe Petersen
- Joel Petersen
- Johanna Chorba
- John & Anne Barton
- John & Anne Wilson
- John & Laura Seifried
- John & Mary Jo Amos
- John & Nancy True
- John & Patricia Bennan
- John & Robin Miller
- John Allen
- John Baltz
- John Chartrand
- John Chavez
- John Gray
- John Kim
- John McCafferty
- John Post
- John Ryan
- John Southward
- John Sterling
- John Vedro
- John Williams
- Johnny Leverone
- Jon & Kandis Kilgore
- Jon Hart
- Jonathan Vick
- Jordan LaJeunesse
- Jose Orozco
- Jose Ortega
- Joseph & Buffy Francuz
- Joseph Burton
- Joseph Kelly
- Joseph Plunkett
- Joseph Randall
- Joseph Spellman
- Joseph Zoltowski
- Josette Arvallo
- Josh Weathers
- Josie Koenig
- Joy Applegate Eske
- Joyce Blasdell
- Joyce Hayes Doherty, P.C.
- Joycelyn Schmid
- Juan & Donna Villagran
- Judith Hashem
- Judith Julien
- Judith Russell
- Judy B. Steward
- Judy Dando
- Judy Luiten
- Juergen Lukas
- Juleigh Burke
- Julian Mirelez
- Julie & Jason Garver
- Julie Collins
- Julie Dugan
- Julie Galgano
- Julie Smith
- Julie Stiak
- Justin Minton-Hitchings
- Justin Moreno
- Justin Peter
- Kaden Unzueta
- Kaila Ambrosio
- Kaitlyn Tanler
- Kaleb Few
- Kamae Carnes
- Kamie Cismoski
- Kammie Kobyleski
- Kara Weathers
- Karen Gieske
- Karen John
- Karen Jones
- Karen Lochte
- Karen Petelin
- Karen Peterson
- Karen Sargent
- Karen Schmauss
- Karen Vick
- Karen Willis
- Karin Slavey
- Karina Pruitt
- Karina Zowine
- Karla Phillips
- Karrie Platt
- Katarzyna Holubiuk
- Katherine Di Lucido
- Katherine Gonzales
- Katherine Ingersoll
- Kathleen Freed
- Kathleen Kalenberg
- Kathleen Schuberth
- Kathleen Tanler
- Kathleen Yeager
- Kathryn Davidson
- Kathryn LeNormand
- Kathy Dennis
- Kathy Dudek
- Kathy Medlin
- Kathy Tackett-Hicks
- Kathy Wise
- Katrina Royster
- Kaui Nakamoto
- Kaveh Meghdadpour
- Kawika Benjamin
- Kayla Belmonte
- Keeyah Begay
- Keith Atkinson
- Keith Dann
- Keith Schroepfer
- Keith Stevens
- Kelli Neil
- Kellie Johnson
- Kellie Porter
- Kelly Bunker
- Kelly O'Brien
- Kelly Pagaragan
- Kelly Pond
- Kelly Skipper
- Kelly Strachan
- Kelly Thompson
- Kelsey & Tyler Rumsey
- Ken & Julia Appletree
- Ken & Karen Leja
- Ken Longhurst
- Ken Milbourne
- Kendra Dahlke
- Kenneth Leighton-Boster
- Keri Kiefer
- Keri Larson
- Kevin & Rita Harding
- Kevin Harrington
- Kevin Killigrew
- Kevin Thornhill
- Khellia Koonce
- Kim Pisano
- Kim Tyler
- Kimberly Bettincourt
- Kimberly Gregory
- Kimberly Moore
- Kimberly Whelan
- Kirk & Cathy Cunningham
- Kirk & Laura Koch
- Kirk DeHamer
- Kirsten J. Adaniya
- Kisha Spellman-White
- Kitty Arvallo
- Kori LaMacchia
- Kris Little
- Krista Brown
- Kristen Law
- Kristie Barkman
- Kristin Kelly
- Kristin Nelson
- Kristina Bielicki
- Kurt Williams
- Kyle Chung
- Kyle Parker
- Kyleen Wolfson
- Lance & Lisa Merrifield
- Larry & Candice Kolves
- Lasting Images Photography
- Laura Grim
- Laura Mallia
- Laura Tsosie
- Laura Warne
- Laura Young
- Lauren Halliday
- Lauri Dreher
- Laurie Taylor
- Lauryn Wang
- Lawrence & Lydia Garrett
- Lawrence Crognale
- Lawrence Kushner
- Leah Arratia-Rivera
- Lee Ann Walker
- Lee Antonna
- Lee Worthen
- Leinny Florez-Quintero
- Lemar McCabe
- Len McGee
- Leo Derks
- Lesley Alward
- Leslie Costes
- Leslie Jordan-Kropp
- Leslie Lehr
- Leticia Traver
- Levi Herrera
- Lidia Lopez
- Lilly Hempel
- Linda Arias
- Linda Evans
- Linda LaFlamme
- Linda Lee
- Linda Mast & Bard Schatzman
- Linda Moeller
- Linda Passer
- Linda Shook
- Linda Sue Miller
- Lindsay Kelly
- Lindy Miller
- Lisa Harden
- Lisa Leo
- Lisa Martin
- Lisa Schlegel
- Lisa Strait
- Liz Bailey
- Lola Rizk
- Lola Snitchler
- Lonnie Anderson
- Lori Catron
- Lori Couture
- Lori Miller
- Lori Showers
- Lori Timmons-Crofutt
- Lori Warren
- Lorraine Christensen
- Lorraine Matera
- Louie Trujillo
- Louis & Bonnie Waterer
- Louis & Bonnie Waterer
- Louis & Karen Witwer
- Lucy Sanchez
- Lydia Lowe
- Lynda & Ronald Goldberg
- Lynn Meissner
- Lynn Merrill
- Lynn Reid
- Lynn Terry
- Lynne Murphy
- Madison Brown
- Maggie Phillips
- Malevy Leons
- MaLinda Wrisk
- Mara Humphres
- Marci Haws
- Marcy McDermott
- Marcy Romero
- Margaret Baum
- Margaret Campbell
- Margaret Hempel
- Margaret Perkins
- Margaret R Landry
- Margaret T. Morris Foundation
- Maria Arambula
- Maria Corral
- Maria Hernandez
- Maria Razo
- Maria Villa
- Marianne Doyle
- Maribel Belmonte
- Marie Giani
- Marilin Ido
- Marissa Pattea
- Marjorie Haas
- Marjorie Rubin
- Mark & Denise Woolsey
- Mark & Jo Ann Cole
- Mark & Roxanne Matthews
- Mark Black
- Mark Goodman
- Mark Lochte
- Marlo Dykeman
- Marnie Uhl
- Martenson Construction, LLC
- Martha Gould
- Martha Jurado
- Martha Mumby
- Martin & Luida Gottlieb
- Martin & Sharon Trupiano
- Marvin McKeown
- Mary & Thomas Barnes II
- Mary Ann Antonini
- Mary Boddeker
- Mary Bruno
- Mary Cuevas
- Mary Jo Worischeck
- Mary Trost
- Maryann Behrens
- Marylou Mercado
- Mason Rayburn
- Matt Uhler
- Matthew & Tracy Sullivan
- Matthew Dicker
- Matthew Gibbons
- Matthew Greenlee
- Matthew Lukaszewski
- Matthew Mitchell
- Mattie Dundas-Tillman
- Maureen Cunningham Rosner
- Maureen Younan
- Mavis Durden
- Max Allred
- Max Bledsoe
- Maxine Bejarano
- Maxine Fletcher
- Megan Crossfield
- Megan Daly
- Megan Hanna
- Megan Neilson
- Meggan Lilly
- Meghan Paquette
- Meghan Pruitt
- Melida Cajina
- Melissa Arroyo
- Melissa Cabras
- Merissa Wood
- Micaela Fink
- Michael & Jennifer Taylor
- Michael & Mariela Hastings
- Michael & Roseanne Haboush
- Michael & Tammy Fann
- Michael A. Venditti
- Michael Bailey
- Michael Basgal
- Michael Bieluch
- Michael Byrnes
- Michael Carlin
- Michael Chun
- Michael Corn
- Michael E. Holmes
- Michael Frost
- Michael Grady
- Michael Hashem
- Michael Herrin
- Michael Huckeby
- Michael Lanier
- Michael Lee
- Michael Lincoln
- Michael Macapinlac
- Michael Mendoza
- Michael Nicolini
- Michael Oshiro
- Michael Phillips
- Michael Pierce
- Michael Rusinko
- Michael Santiago
- Michael Taylor
- Michael Turner
- Michelle Dent
- Michelle Dyer
- Michelle Kennedy
- Michelle Lee Photography
- Michelle Lutes
- Michelle Young
- Miguel Baca
- Miguel Campos
- Mike & Cindy Sherman
- Mike & Jodi Maas
- Mike Huddleston
- Mike Simonyi
- Minerva Tenorio
- Miranda Chatham
- Miter Charitable Foundation
- MOD Superfast Pizza, LLC
- Mokshagundam & Geri-Lee Srikanth
- Molly Peterson
- Molly West
- Monica Holladay
- Monica Torres
- Morris Hall, PLLC
- MPowers
- My Info Handly
- My Kids' Dentist
- Nackard Pepsi
- Nahzy Tabrizi
- Nancy & Joel Smith
- Nancy Adams
- Nancy Lambert
- Nancy McCabe
- Nancy McKinley
- Nancy Ostapuk
- Nancy Williams
- Nanette Mostacciuolo
- Napua Aloy
- Natalee Wigen
- Natalie Olson
- Nathalie Nicolay
- Neil Krienitz
- Nicholas Neilson
- Nicholas Othon
- Nick Paslidis
- Nick Thompson & Lisa Jachowicz
- Nicole Mangelsdorf
- Nicole Orr
- Nicole Wescott
- Nicolle Sanchez
- Nigel Reynoso, Jr.
- Nina Perlmutter
- Noel Castaneda
- Norma Barrientos
- Norman Begaye
- Norman Caouette
- Northern AZ Healthcare
- O. K. & Daurel Carhart, Jr.
- OneAZ Credit Union
- Oscar Medrano
- Oscar Romero
- P O Ventures, LLC
- Padanaram, LLC
- Paloma Peralta Carrillo
- Pamela Bettger
- Pamela Cherba
- Pamela Collins
- Pamela Costello
- Pamela Gonzales
- Pamela Pierce
- Pamela Salazar
- Pamela Stull
- Pamela Tarangle
- Pamela Wickstrom
- Panda Restaurant Group, Inc
- Pat Nicolai Arntzen
- Patricia Berlowe
- Patricia Chute
- Patricia Parent
- Patricia Priore
- Patricia Reski
- Patrick & Brenda Burns
- Patrick & Brenda Burns
- Patrick & Deborah Beatty
- Patrick & Judith Lilly
- Patrick Dugan
- Patrick Nuss
- Patrick O'Hara
- Patrick Ryan
- Patrick Thatcher
- Paul & Cathleen Bardon
- Paul & DeAnna Lehnen
- Paul & Grace Hicks
- Paul & Shannon Rosenblatt
- Paul Bardon
- Paul Basar
- Paul Capodanno
- Paul Dawson
- Paul Fernow
- Paul Gibbons
- Paul Isola
- Paul Miller
- Paul Robbins
- Paul Schierer
- Paula Putao
- Paulie McManus
- Paz Ortiz
- Peggy Stair
- Penny Kiger
- PEO Sisterhood - Y Chapter
- Perry & Sandy Massie
- Perry Baker
- Perry Riggs
- Peter & Brigie Dickinson
- Peter Koernig
- Peter Panagis
- PhD Hoops
- Philip & Bette Winkelstern
- Phillip Cox
- Phillip Peek
- Pilot Institute
- Pineywoods Herb Farm
- Pink Posh Boutique
- Pinnacle Bank
- PNC Foundation
- Portable Computer Systems, Inc dba PCS Mobile
- Posey Nash
- Premier Eye Center
- Prescott Antique Auto Club
- Prescott Area Iris Society
- Prescott Downtown Partnership Inc.
- Prescott Frontier Days Foundation, Inc.
- Prescott Frontier Rotary Foundation
- Prescott Police Foundation
- Prescott Radiologists, LLP
- Prescott Regulators and their Shady Ladies Inc
- Prescott Sunrise Lions Foundation
- Prescott United Methodist Church
- Prescott Valley Chamber of Commerce
- Prescott Vette Sette
- Prescott YMCA
- Preston Pruitt
- Priscilla Anchondo
- Priscilla Gunther
- Professor Emeritus Virginia Chanda
- PV Broadcasting Co., Inc.
- Rachel Little
- Rachelle Lumpp
- Racquel Manning
- Rae Beth Young
- Raea Skinner
- Rafal Szumera
- Ralph & Christy Dinsman
- Randall Lund
- Randall M. Clark
- Randall Sewald
- Randolph Derr
- Randy & Kitty Duck
- Raul Razo
- Ray & Noelle Karacsonyi
- Ray & Pam Milewsky
- Raymond Ceo
- Rayney Deibert
- Rebecca & Brian Hostetler
- Rebecca Arnold
- Rebecca Flores
- Rebecca Hoey
- Rebecca Seigars
- Rebecca Sullivan
- Rebekah DuRocher
- Rebekuh Middlesworth
- Republican Women of Prescott
- Reva Allred
- Rhea Matthews
- Rhonda Moser
- Rhonda Weathers
- Richard & Betsy Leyerle
- Richard & Loretta Wright
- Richard Boehm
- Richard Conrad
- Richard Gates
- Richard Harrell
- Richard Hayes
- Richard Hernandez
- Richard Lund
- Richard McFaul & Suzanne Vermilya
- Richard McFaul & Suzanne Vermilya
- Richard Navarrete
- Richard Poynter
- Richard Sewald
- Richelle Mills
- Rick Rokosz
- Rik Robles
- Robert & Ashley Swan
- Robert & Diane Benjamin
- Robert & Dianne Schmitt
- Robert & Kay Woods
- Robert & Linda Frith
- Robert & Linda West
- Robert & Mary Bricker
- Robert & Sharon Haizmann
- Robert Blom
- Robert Borker
- Robert Bruno
- Robert Compher
- Robert Cox
- Robert Jones
- Robert Jones
- Robert McGeorge
- Robert Ruth
- Robert Steele
- Robert Weir
- Roberta Cosco
- Robin Frye
- Robyn Bryce
- Rocio Montoya
- Rocio Villanueva
- Rod & Nancy Scott
- Rodney & Ann Keith
- Rodney & Lesley Jenkins
- Rodney Bean
- Rodney Benson
- Rodofo Cabras
- Roger & Jackie Palmenberg
- Roger & Judith Egan
- Roger Humphres
- Roger J. Salazar
- Roger Matthews
- Roger Thomas
- Ron & Karen Adams
- Ron & Penny Wills
- Ronael Perry
- Ronald Burkey
- Ronald Johnson
- Ronald Pullie
- Rosalie Webster
- Rosanna Ojeda
- Rosemarie Rockwood
- Ross Tarangle
- Roxanne Humphres
- Roxanne Lucero
- Ruben Whitten
- Rudy Arena & Eleanor Wing
- Rudy Arena & Eleanor Wing
- Russ Lyon Charitable Foundation
- Russell Vaughn
- Ruth Ebeling
- Ryan Butcher
- Ryan Glennan
- Ryan Harms
- Ryanne Mueller
- Saben Western
- Sabrina Gallardo
- Sally Westrom
- Salt River Materials Group/Phoenix Cement
- Salt River Project (SRP)
- Sam & Leigh Downing
- Sam Irwin
- Samantha Butcher
- Sandra Bennett
- Sandra Kelleher
- Sandy Oshiro
- Sarah Caspary
- Sarah Day
- Sarah Martin
- Sarah Matranga
- Sarah McFarland
- Sarah Nolan
- Sarah Stein
- Schwab Charitable
- Schweitzer Engineering Laboratories, Inc.
- Scott & Juliann Farnsworth
- Scott Haebich
- Scott Kerns
- Scott Lyon
- Scott Nardo
- Sean Gleason
- Sean Rooney
- Sedona Car Club, Inc.
- Serena Rios
- Shana Jackson
- Shane Romero
- Shanna Collier
- Shannon Barrett
- Shannon Kahl
- Shannon Koenig
- Shannon McGlashan
- Shannon Nisse
- Shannon Oughton
- Sharal Patinathan
- Shari Daiutolo
- Sharlee Hughes
- Sharon Manuelito
- Sharon McNeil
- Sharon Sherman
- Sharon Walsh
- Sharron Goligoski
- Shaun Jones
- Shaun McDonald
- Shauna McGuire
- Shawn Lewis
- Sheila Hoffman
- Shelby Drake
- Shelley Fields
- Shelli Creighton
- Shelly Damschroder
- Shelly Noble
- Sheri Iseri
- Sherri Parker
- Sherry Kennedy
- Sherry Smith
- Sherry Thorpe
- Sheryl Cramer
- Sheryl Johnson
- Shirleen Sanborn
- Shirley Lesperance
- Shyah Anderson
- Simon Robarts
- Simone Maxwell
- Sinisa Vincic
- Sita Strickland
- Smiling Sunny's Construction LLC
- Sofia Islas
- Sonia Chavez
- Sonny Acosta
- Space of Love Foods
- Spangler Steel Construction
- Spectrum Healthcare Organization
- SPS+ Architects LLP
- Stacey Chang
- Stacey Weathers
- Stacy Brown
- Stan & Janelle Goligoski
- Stan & Janelle Goligoski
- Stan Yakovitz
- State Farm Companies
- Stephan Huston
- Stephanie Giesbrecht
- Stephanie Jones
- Stephanie Lee
- Stephanie Shigemasa
- Stephanie Timmons
- Stephen & Diane McIntyre
- Stephen & Helena Kasten
- Stephen & Laura Polk
- Stephen & Stephanie Taylor
- Stephen & Sue Rutherford
- Stephen Arias
- Stephen Carmick
- Stephen Cunningham, Jr.
- Stephen Macias
- Stephen O'Connor
- Stephenie Snodgrass
- Steve Maslansky
- Steve Owen
- Steve Sweet
- Steve Woods
- Steven Campbell
- Steven Nolan
- Steven Rogers & Wendelyn Smith-Rogers
- Steven Smith
- Steven Tansey
- Stone Stokes
- Stuart Schupack
- Summer Haws
- Summer Pyeatt-Lansa
- Sunup Rotary Club of Prescott
- Support Education & Employment For Vets (S.E.E.4VETS)
- Susan Cushman
- Susan Garner
- Susan Giamportone
- Susan Graves
- Susan Hansen
- Susan Holden
- Susan Oberan
- Susan Ralston-Williams
- Susan Valletta
- Susan Wisneski
- Susanne Baker
- Sylvia Ackley
- Tabitha Barnett
- Tabitha Fedina
- Tamara Tarangle
- Tami Antonini
- Tami V. Brendel
- Tammi Driver
- Tammy Motley-Turner
- Tanya Danjou
- Tanya Ghanni
- Tara Lee
- Tara O'Neill
- Tava Boone
- Taylor Ewing
- Team PVB
- Ten27 Crossfit
- Teri Tatum
- Terilyn Keedah
- Terry & Holly Harman
- Thad Young
- The Art of Wine
- The Bauer Family
- The Bosma and Ralston Family Foundation
- The Hyland Group | eXp Realty
- The J.W. Kieckhefer Foundation
- The Jewish Community Foundation of Greater Prescott
- The Kroger Co
- The Ledbetter Law Firm, P.L.C.
- The Movement Studio
- The NARBHA Institute, Inc.
- The Ranch Plaza
- The Raven Cafe
- Theresa Foley
- Theresa Jones
- Theresa Saiz
- Therese Perry
- Thomas & Margaret
- Thomas A. Dunbar
- Thomas Adair
- Thomas Eastlack
- Thomas Hosier
- Thomas Johnson
- Thomas Monachino
- Thomas Sheffield
- Thomas Volpe
- Thomas Winebrenner
- Thomas Yager
- Thunderbird Field II Veterans Memorial Inc.
- Tianna Boone
- Tierra Verde Builders
- Tiffany Kragnes
- Tiffany Lee
- Tiffany Schiefelbein
- Tim & Mary Kyllo
- Tim Diesch
- Tim Kispert
- Timothy Chadwick
- Timothy Hinkle
- Timothy Hull & Katie Sanderson
- Timothy Jayne
- Timothy Jordheim
- Timothy Moor
- Timothy Scerba
- Tina DeFer
- Tina Fay
- Tina Robinson
- Todd Carey
- Todd Fiore
- Tom & Christine Jones
- Tom Aldridge & Angela Fabela
- Tom Ammentorp
- Toni Martinez
- Tonya Nolan
- Town of Clarkdale
- Tracey McCollum
- Tracey Thompson
- Traci Harris
- Tracy Morley
- Tracy Rogers
- Tracy Van Kuilenberg
- Transworld Business Advisors Phoenix
- Trevor Monney
- Trevor Norden
- Tricia Lewis
- Trijntje Desch
- Troy Haines & Jennifer James
- Trudie Efstratios
- Tyler & Kelsey Rumsey
- Tyran Payne
- Tyrone Yazzie
- Tyson Fiore
- United Way of Tucson & Southern Arizona
- United Way Of Yavapai County
- Valasi Salima
- Valerie Carmichael
- Vanguard Charitable Endowment Program
- Verde Valley Resale LLC
- Verlyncia Parrish
- Veronica & Joe Snow
- Veronica Alvarado
- Veronica Garcia
- Vicki Bejarano
- Vicki Stokes
- Victor La Sala
- Victoria Sweet
- Vincent Alvarado
- Vincent Redgrave
- Virginia Pitts
- W.C. Electric LLC
- Wade & Jennifer Ashworth
- Walker Estate Attorneys
- Walter & Laura Whetstine
- Waste Management
- Wayne Wilsey
- Wendy & Steve Mortenson
- Western Sealant Co., Inc.
- William & Christine Maxwell
- William & Dorothy Williamson
- William & Karen Rizk
- William & Kathleen Blake
- William Cadwallender
- William Johnston
- William McGuire
- Wilson Gartin
- Winifred Dahn
- Wyatt Brannock
- Xiomara Cajina
- Yavapai College Bookstore
- Yavapai College Regional Economic Development Center
- Yavapai County Master Gardener Association
- Yavapai County Mounted Sheriff's Posse, Inc
- Yavapai Pediatrics
- Yavapai Prescott Indian Tribe
- Yavapai Title Agency Inc
- Yavapai-Apache Nation
- Yessenia Rojas
- Yuri Buus
- Yvette Paletta
- Yvonneke Weitzel
- Zachary Avelar
- Zachary Cagley
- Zack Larson