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Faculty Association

Faculty Association members have two categories in which to join.

  • Full Membership: All personnel with full-time faculty contracts shall be eligible for membership in the FA.
  • Associate Membership: Full-time employees with teaching as their primary duty but not classified by HR as faculty.


The YC FA works to support the Mission of Yavapai College: to ensure that Yavapai College is a premier place to learn, work, and live. In addition, we work to ensure that Yavapai College meets the HLC requirement that faculty have oversight in Academic Matters by creating a forum to give faculty a voice with regard to curriculum, methods and evaluation of instruction, facilities and materials for instruction, standards for admission and retention of students, and criteria for the granting of degrees. This may also include those aspects of student life that relate to the educational process.


  • Offer the highest quality education by faculty who are invested in the success of their students.
  • Offer programs in technical careers that prepare students for a 21st century global job market.
  • Offer courses in General Education for transfer students that meet AGEC requirements.
  • Provide the community with lifelong learning and cultural opportunities.
  • Assure that the communities of Yavapai county receive the leadership and encouragement to promote economic development.


  • We strive to develop high quality, low-cost materials that meet the curriculum standards of both state and national accreditation bodies.
  • We support students in their learning journey by providing high quality resources, well-designed courses, engaged faculty, and appropriate activities and assessments.
  • We offer courses and degrees in multiple modalities to be flexible and adapt to the needs of Yavapai’s community of learners.
  • We strive to retain students by creating a positive, productive, and supportive environment conducive to learning, whether online or in person.
  • We create a positive, productive, and supportive environment conducive to learning.


  • We actively listen and provide support to students and colleagues.
  • We connect with others, respecting human dignity and responding with compassion.


  • We are committed to cultivating a diverse, inclusive, and equitable environment aimed at supporting and educating our students in order to maximize the potential of each of our students, regardless of individual backgrounds, identities, and differences.
  • We are committed to dismantling barriers to equity by investing in policies, teaching practices, and behaviors that work to support all students. We continually assess and adjust our behavior to ensure equitable access and fair and just treatment to all.


  • We are accountable to our students, community, ourselves, and our local taxpayers.
  • We demonstrate collaboration and respect in all interactions.
  • We are committed to ensuring that we demonstrate integrity in our actions and teaching practices.
  • We hold students accountable for academic integrity.

President Bryan Robertson
Vice President IA Gino Romeo
Vice President EA Nanette Hofer
Treasurer Philip Reid
Secretary Brandelyn Andres
Past-President Karen Palmer

School Senator
ARHU Chris Tenney, David Kingsley
CATE Robert Smith, Marnee Zazueta
SOSC Karly Way Schauwecker, Mark Woolsey
BUCS Aderemi Adedokun, Kim Donaldson
HEWE Megan Vandermeer, Beth Franco
SCEN Jeb Bevers, Kyle Russ-Navarro
Adjunct Rep Thomas Leavitt

Standing Committee Chairs
College Standards Michael Schaible
Faculty Affairs Jason Whitesitt
Peer Faculty Mentor Oversight Cynthia A. Schroder
Professional Growth Lauri Dreher

The Faculty Association collects donations through payroll deduction and gives to a variety of local charities. In addition, faculty donations have directly supported YC students through the Foundation and the IamYC student support organization. 100% of donated funds go to deserving organizations. Past recipients include:

  • YC Foundation – since 2010, over $7,800 has been donated to Foundation for scholarships in honor of retiring/deceased faculty members and other fundraising campaigns.
  • YC Foundation – gift cards for Evening of Recognition award recipients, $2,341.
  • IamYC – since 2017, $4,150 has been donated for the student emergency and food bank funds.
  • Friends of the Library
  • Yavapai County Food Bank
  • Central Arizona Food Bank (Cottonwood)
  • Imagination Library, Prescott and Verde Valley
  • Boys & Girls Club