All YC Employees
Yavapai College grants funding to eligible employees for activities to improve skills, knowledge, and behaviors that enhance effectiveness and service to the College community. See Operational Policy 2.05 Employee Training & Development.
YC Overview & Benefits Presentation
Provides an overview of the College and its mission, services and benefits available, and policies and procedures relevant to employment at Yavapai College. Held virtually the first Wednesday of every month from 2-3 pm. HR emails an invitation to all new benefit-eligible employees.
Performance management at YC provides employees the opportunity to plan for personal and professional growth that positively impacts the YC mission and connects employee performance to learning, service, and relationship excellence.
View the Performance Management page for tools and trainings.
This online training is required yearly for all employees and covers information security, Title IX, FERPA, general safety, copyright and fair use, workplace ethics, and conflict of interest. Employees are automatically enrolled through the employee learning management system.
As a key ingredient of the YC Way, Outward Mindset asks us to shift our mindsets outward, focus on others’ needs, listen, and work together toward common goals. All employees are strongly encouraged to attend the 2-day Outward Mindset workshop and can self-register through the myYC Portal
myYC Portal > Employees card > My Learn > Browse Training Catalog
in Quick Actions box.
The District waives Yavapai College tuition for eligible employees and dependents according to Operational Policy 2.15 Tuition Waivers.
YC Partnership Tuition Discounts
YC has partnered with universities to provide tuition discounts for YC employees.
Toastmasters offers YC employees the opportunity to practice public speaking, improve communication, and build leadership skills with costs paid by YC. Yavapai College Toastmasters.
New Staff Welcome & Orientation
Coming for new staff in 2022. More information will be available soon.
Staff Development Scholarships
Two scholarships provide financial assistance to eligible staff actively seeking increased professionalism and effectiveness through educational enrichment opportunities.
Richard & Loretta Wright Employee Enhancement Award- applications due DATE
Roger Runyan Employee Career Enhancement Award, applications due DATE
YC Staff Association Opportunities
The YC Staff Association (YCSA) seeks to improve staff engagement and job satisfaction through training and professional development opportunities. This group also facilitates the funding of career enhancement and educational opportunities for the benefit of Yavapai College staff.
The Yavapai College Staff Association (YCSA) Professional Growth Committee facilitates the funding of career enhancement and educational opportunities for the benefit of Yavapai College staff.
Professional staff and Administrators are eligible to apply for a sabbatical after six continuous years of full-time service in order to pursue study or project work in relation to high priority strategic directions of the college or for other intellectual developmenal pursuits.
TeLS (Teaching and e-Learning Support)
Provides resources, training, and support for educational technology for students and faculty. Visit the TeLS page for more information.
Yavapai College grants fiscal awards to eligible continuing contract, probationary, or limited term faculty teaching a full-time load for activities that lead to academic and professional growth. See Operational Policy 2.38 Professional Growth Funds for Full-time Faculty.
Full-time faculty are eligible to apply for a sabbatical leave of absence after six continuous years of full-time service in order to pursue enhanced subject matter expertise, improved student learning, inproved achievement of desired student outcomes, improved performance of faculty duties, or achievement of a high priority strategic direction for the program or college.
See Sabbatical Leave of Absence for Full-Time Faculty