University Transfer and General Education

Finish at the university of your choice
We are dedicated to helping students get started at Yavapai College and transfer into the university program that will fit their goals. Through our transfer partnerships and tools we can help you prepare for your next steps.
To contact the University Transfer and General Education Department
- (928) 776-2106
(928) 717-7777
(800) 922-6787
- Prescott, Verde Valley, Online
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The Associate of Arts degree requires completion of 60 credit hours. This degree is designed to enable a student to transfer to a baccalaureate-granting institution. Students following this degree program will complete university-parallel requirements in general education that will fulfill all lower division general education requirements at the Arizona universities.
Students preparing to transfer to an upper-division baccalaureate degree program should contact an academic advisor in the major field of study at the transfer institution in addition to meeting regularly with an academic advisor at Yavapai College.
Elementary Education Associate of Arts
- Prescott, Online
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The vision for the Teacher Preparation Program at Yavapai College is one of a quality program that adapts to the dynamic needs of students, children, their families and the community.
The YC Teacher Education Program serves:
- Students interested in pursuing careers in teaching in public and private infant-grade 12 schools and Child Care Centers.
- Students who transfer to four year programs in Early Childhood/Elementary Education or Secondary Education.
- In-service teachers seeking to improve their teaching skills through additional coursework and/or professional development activities.
The Associate of Arts in Elementary Education degree requires completion of 62 credit hours. This degree is designed for students interested in elementary education who are preparing to transfer to one of the Arizona public universities to complete a baccalaureate program and qualify for an Arizona teaching certificate.
Students preparing to transfer to an upper-division baccalaureate degree program should contact an advisor in the major field of study at the transfer institution in addition to meeting regularly with a faculty advisor and/or academic advisor at Yavapai College.
- CREDITS: 61-62
- Prescott, Verde Valley, Online
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The Associate of Arts in Fine Arts degree requires completion of 62 credit hours. This degree is designed to enable a student to transfer to a baccalaureate-granting institution. Students following this degree program will complete university-parallel requirements in general education that will fulfill all lower division general education requirements at the Arizona universities. The AAFA degree will also allow students to declare a concentration in Art, Music or Performing Arts. This degree outline provides the list of fine art concentration core requirements and elective options.
Students preparing to transfer to an upper-division baccalaureate degree program should contact an advisor in the major field of study at the transfer institution in addition to meeting regularly with a faculty advisor and/or an academic advisor at Yavapai College.
- Prescott, Online
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The Associate of Business degree requires completion of 62 credit hours. Although students often have the option of entering a career field upon completion of the Associate of Business, this degree plan is primarily designed to provide the first two years of coursework to prepare students for transfer into a related upper-division baccalaureate degree program.
Students preparing to transfer to an upper-division baccalaureate degree program should contact an academic advisor in the major field of study at the transfer institution in addition to meeting regularly with an academic advisor at Yavapai College.
- Prescott, Online, Verde Valley
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The Associate of General Studies degree requires the completion 60 credit hours. Students whose career, major, or transfer intent is uncertain may elect to pursue this degree. This degree allows students to uniquely design an associate's degree with more flexibility in the selection of courses. These courses may be taken from a variety of subject areas with no specific area of emphasis. Students are encouraged to develop their degree plan in conjunction with an academic advisor.
Students electing to transfer to one of the Arizona public universities with an AGS degree will have their coursework evaluated on a course-by-course basis by the university to which they transfer. These students may wish to also complete the Arizona General Education Curriculum (AGEC) certificate to ensure the acceptance of their general education coursework as a block transfer of general education requirements.
- Prescott, Online, Verde Valley
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The Associate of Science degree requires completion of a minimum of 60 credit hours. Although students often have the option of entering a career field upon completion of the Associate of Science, this degree plan is primarily designed to provide the first two years of coursework to prepare students for transfer into a related upper-division baccalaureate degree program. The Associate of Science degree is the appropriate degree plan for students who major in fields with more stringent mathematics and mathematics-based science requirements.
Students preparing to transfer to an upper-division baccalaureate degree program should contact an academic advisor in the major field of study at the transfer institution in addition to meeting regularly with an academic advisor at Yavapai College.
Arizona General Education Curriculum (AGEC-A)
- Prescott, Verde Valley, Online
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The Arizona General Education Curriculum (AGEC) is designed to fulfill all lower division General Education requirements at the public universities in Arizona. The AGEC-A is the appropriate curriculum for students who plan to major in fields in the Liberal Arts or programs of study other than business or science, and will transfer as a block without loss of credit to Arizona's public universities.
Upon completion of all 35 credit hours of the AGEC-A with a grade of "C" or higher, the student will receive recognition of completion on their Yavapai College transcript. Arizona residents who complete an AGEC-A and who have a cumulative GPA of 2.50 or higher have assured admission upon application to one of the state universities in Arizona.
The AGEC-A also fulfills general education requirements for the Associate of Arts degrees at Yavapai College.
Arizona General Education Curriculum (AGEC-B)
- Prescott, Verde Valley, Online
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The Arizona General Education Curriculum (AGEC) is designed to fulfill all lower division General Education requirements at the public universities in Arizona. The AGEC-B is primarily designed for business majors. Students pursuing this plan of study should consult an academic advisor regarding general education requirements related to the major (e.g. accounting, computer information systems, management, marketing, general business).
Upon completion of all 35 credit hours of the AGEC-B with a grade of "C" or higher, the student will receive recognition of completion on their Yavapai College transcript. Arizona residents who complete an AGEC-B and who have a cumulative GPA of 2.50 or higher have assured admission upon application to one of the state universities in Arizona.
The AGEC-B also fulfills general education requirements for the Associate of Business degree at Yavapai College.
Arizona General Education Curriculum (AGEC-S)
- CREDITS: 38-41
- Prescott, Online
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The Arizona General Education Curriculum (AGEC) is designed to fulfill all lower division General Education requirements at the public universities in Arizona. The AGEC-S is the appropriate curriculum for students who major in fields with stringent requirements in mathematics and science.
Upon completion of all requirements of the AGEC-S with a grade of "C" or higher, the student will receive recognition of completion on their Yavapai College transcript. Arizona residents who complete an AGEC-S and who have a cumulative GPA of 2.50 or higher have assured admission upon application to one of the state universities in Arizona.
The AGEC-S also fulfills general education requirements for the Associate of Science degree at Yavapai College. A minimum of twelve credit hours in the AGEC-S certificate must be completed at Yavapai College.
Additional Program Information
Start at Yavapai College - Finish at the university of your choice
We are dedicated to helping students get started at Yavapai College and transfer into the university program that will fit their goals. Through our transfer partnerships and tools we can help you prepare for your next steps.
Cost, Financial Aid, and Scholarships
YC Pipeline Career Exploration
The YC Pipeline career development and job skills platform allows YC students and Yavapai County job seekers to explore in-demand careers that align with their passions, skills, and the region's economic demands. The platform gives students and job seekers advanced insights about the exact skills, education, or certificates they need to reach their career goals. Upon completion of their profile, users will then have access to a variety of career exploration opportunities and information, including job shadowing, service learning, field experience, research, apprenticeship, further education, and other opportunities specific to Yavapai County.