Institutional Effectiveness & Research
Institutional Effectiveness and Research (IER) performs research, statistical and predictive analysis, and reporting for campus decision-makers to support evidence-based planning, evaluation, and assessment.
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- Tom Hughes, Ph.D.
- Director, Institutional Effectiveness, Research, and Grants
- Yavapai College
- 1100 East Sheldon Street
- Prescott, AZ 86301
- 928.776.2205 phone/text
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Explore an array of dimensions and categories of Yavapai College student and employee data
Enrollment Trend
Measures unduplicated headcount and credits attempted from academic years 2009 through current year. 1
Retention shows the percentage of student completion and student withdrawal from courses. The student success measure shows the percentage of successful students (grades A, B, C or pass) versus withdrawals and unsuccessful students (grades D, F, and non-pass) 1.
Average Class Size
Average class size values are from the end of term and end of drop period. Class capacity is included. 2